SRT 2025 Conference Abstract Submissions
Abstract Submissions are now CLOSED.
Thank you to all of you who have submitted an abstracts to #SRT2025. These submissions will be reviewed, and selected abstracts will have the opportunity to shine through oral or poster presentations, ensuring a well-rounded and diverse scientific programme that resonates with radiologists in training from across the UK.
Please see below for various deadlines.
Submission Guidelines
Abstract Guidelines
Please submit your abstract here.
Word count must not exceed 250 words (not including section titles, authors, references).
If submitting more than one abstract, please submit these separately.
By submitting an abstract, the authors confirm that the abstract is their own original work, is not defamatory or unlawful, and does not infringe on anyone else’s rights.
By submitting an abstract, you are confirming on behalf of the co-authors that this is your own original work and that you have approval from the co-authors. Should your abstract be accepted, you agree to the publication of your poster on our platforms and SRT website. You also agree to your poster and abstract being judged/shared with the British Subspecialty Society of your category for use on their platforms.
If your abstract is accepted for poster presentation, the submitter or a co-author must register and attend the event in order to receive a certificate. We will not provide certificates for co-authors who do not attend the conference.
Scientific Abstracts
Educational/Pictorial Abstracts
Affiliation (e.g. hospital/university/institution)
Summary of the poster content
Please note that all submissions are subject to proof reading and editing, and we may ask for rectifications before accepting an abstract or poster. We reserve the right to reject your poster should it not meet the standards suitable for presentation – this includes posters that display confidential information, contain erroneous or fabricated text/images, or do not adhere to the guidelines.
All prize winners will be announced during the conference closing ceremony. Decisions made by the SRT Committee and judges are final.
Abstract submission portal closed on 28th February 2025 at 2359 GMT, no further submissions will be considered.
Abstract results will be released by 24th March 2025 at the latest.
Successful presenters will be incited to upload their final work between 24th March 2025 to 11th April 2025 to be considered for a prize.
Click here to browse last year's #SRT2024 Prize Winners!